Wednesday, July 28, 2010

19 Months

I can't believe Avery is 19 months. She is talking, talking and talking a lot! Depending on the brand she can wear 6-12 month, 18 month top, 12 month bottoms. Size 4 shoe, which has been in this size forever. She has recently started saying her name, which sounds like Abey. So when asked what is your name, she points to herself and says, Abey. She can point out the letter A. She also started when I ask her where Daddy is, she says, at work or wheres is Lainey, at home. As I am blogging I am listening to her play with her baby in her kitchen and she is cracking me up Here are some of the things she is saying. So those are a few of the things.

Hot baby
Here you go baby.
Baby gink(drink)
Hello, what doing?
Here Mommy.
You ok?
pone (phone) Hello

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Catching Up!

I have so much catching up to do I have decided to not try and catch up, that would be way to much. I will begin with our Sea World trip. On July 12 we headed to Sea World with the Kirklands. The ride there and back was not bad at all. Avery did great! She watched a movie the first 2 hours, then we stopped to eat and then napped the rest of the way there. She did the same thing on the way home. The hotel we stayed at was right across the highway from Sea World and very kid friendly. We were there for about an hour and half before Avery fell asleep. So went back to hotel for everyone to rest and then headed back to Sea World that afternoon. We back to look at the dolphins since Avery missed it because she fell asleep, then we headed to the water park. The girls loved it and had so much fun. After a while at the water park the girls started to get bored so we headed to watch Shamoo and the Sea Otter Shows. Avery loved Shamoo!!! When he would go under the water she said, "Mommy, where he go?" Wednesday we headed home,we had a great time and look forward to our next family trip.

I guess I will be posting pictures from out trip later. My computer is not letting me do so!

Avery's 15 month pictures.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Pics From Easter to Recent

Best Buds!

Love them to pieces!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

15 Months and 16 months

Of course I can't believe Avey Grace is 15 months old! She had her 15 month old check up the other day and she is in the 10 percentile. Dr. Raine says she is long and skinny! He was very impressed with her vocabulary, he said she is talking like an 18 month old. She said to him pointing at the computer, "what's that" he was very impressed! She is 20 lbs and 31 inches long.

She is such a busy yet laid back child. She plays good by herself, loves her babies and books. She has started to really takin an interest in ther babies. She carries a couple around with her and puts them in the stroller. She gives them lots of hugs and kisses. She takes a blanket and covers them up and every now and then she will bring me the baby to hold, but just for a second because she wants it back! She loves to dance and has started dancing when you ask her to.

16 months, she is repeating just about everything. She can count 1, 2, 3 and then says go! Says red, blue, green, please, thank you, no, mine, Clint, Papa, and duck (and quack quack). We ask her to sing and she will say laaaaa, laaaa. She has 14 teeth and one on the way. She has really started to enjoy fruit, this took awhile. I thought she would nevedr like it. She will pretty much eat anything. I haven't found anytihng she doesn't like. That's all I can think of off the top of my head and I have to make good use of time while little bit is sleeping. Off to finish laundry.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Over Spring Break we went to the Fort Worth Zoo with the Kirkland's. Avery had a great time! What came out of her mouth the whole time was of course, "What's that?" "Oooo Wow" and everything was "Kitty". It was so fun to watch her face whens he saw the animals. It was the best trip ever to the zoo seeing everything through her eyes! It was a beautiful day!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

She is so funny!

Really gets into Baby Einstein.

Such a big girl using her fork. Loves pancakes!

Avery is the funniest child. I pretty much laugh at her all day. She has really developed a little independent attitude which is so funny and she repeats a lot of what we say. Yesterday I said, "bobo" and pointed to her bobo and she then said "bobo" and pointed to her bobo. When she takes a bath she puts her face in the water and blows bubbles and thinks it is so funny. She loves to read her books and pretend she is talking on the phone. She is doing so many new things, it seems like everyday she does something new. What she is saying these days, Mama, Dada, Mimi, kitty, cookie, baba, go, bye-bye, hi, baby,bobo, ball, uh oh, no, Caylie (her cousin), Papa, juice, and what's that. That's all I can think of right now.

I still have some catching up to do for Feb. hopefully can get that done this weekend.

Friday, February 26, 2010

1st Birthday Pictures, Finally!

Horrible picture of Avery but shows her outfit.
Mimi (My Mama)

Great Grandad (Josh's Grandad)
Granpa (my Dad) I want her to call him Papa but we will see.
Granpa Gray (Josh's Dad)
Gran (Josh's Stepmom)
KK (Josh's Mom)
Great Aunt Susan
5 out of the 8 girls (cousins). My Dad's brothers kids kids.
Great Grandmother, she keeps Avery M-W. We are so thankful for her. Avery loves gets so excited in the morning when we pull up in the morning and when I come pick her up she says hi and may or may not give me a hug and kiss. She really could care less that I am there she has so much fun at Grandmother and Grandad's house.
Love from Daddy
High five friend!
Cousin Caylie (3 yrs). Avery spends M-W with her at Grandmother's house. Avery loves Caylie, anytime she leaves the room Avery runs to find her. Caylie is really good with her but it's like having a little sister around. It is so cute to watch them interact with each other.

Loves her books!

Mmmmm not to sure about this.

She loved her cake at her 1 year pictures but at her bday party wanted nothing to do with it. I'm pretty sure she still wasn't feeling 100% yet.

Great Mimi(Mom's Mom)
My to favorite red heads!

Great Dadaw(Mom's Dad)