Horrible picture of Avery but shows her outfit.
Mimi (My Mama)
Mimi (My Mama)
Great Grandad (Josh's Grandad)
Granpa (my Dad) I want her to call him Papa but we will see.
Granpa Gray (Josh's Dad)
Gran (Josh's Stepmom)
KK (Josh's Mom)
Great Aunt Susan
5 out of the 8 girls (cousins). My Dad's brothers kids kids.
Great Grandmother, she keeps Avery M-W. We are so thankful for her. Avery loves gets so excited in the morning when we pull up in the morning and when I come pick her up she says hi and may or may not give me a hug and kiss. She really could care less that I am there she has so much fun at Grandmother and Grandad's house.
Love from Daddy